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Ateliers et Formation: Services
What is the Mirroring of the Soul?
3 or 5 week Mirroring courses

This course is an opportunity to discover more deeply the work of Mirroring in small groups. Learning the process of Mirroring of the Soul requires a climate of trust between the participants to go and discover facets of the inner self. It is also a good way to see if this experimental format suits you and could lead you to commit to the 9-month training.

The format of this training is of one zoom meeting per week of 2 hours in small groups of 3 or 4 people.

Mirroring course and training facilitators (in French and English)

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The Training in Collective Consciousness

Perspective of the IRESOI Institute's Collective Awareness training over 9 months


To become a leader in one's field and bring elements of inspiration and change to human consciousness, it is necessary to first make a personal journey in order to regain access to one's own essential nature, one's light-essence, one's soul. It is also necessary to understand the challenge of incarnation in duality, what I call incarnated light. All this represents the philosophical dimension.


Then, it is essential to learn to discover one's vehicle of incarnation, its tendencies, its impulses, its temptations, its strengths, its sacred value. This discovery leads us to better understand also the reality of others and to develop with them more and more harmonious and constructive relationships. This is the psychological dimension.


Then, with this basis, we are ready to work with tenderness, benevolence and love on the wounds, memories, and sufferings of this vehicle, which is not only ours but was offered to us and is linked to a whole line of human beings before us and to their experiences. This is the therapeutic dimension.


Finally, in parallel with these three dimensions, we must open ourselves to our realization, our mission on earth, to this personal project that is within us and that we must be aware of in order to feel fully useful and happy. Different practices help us to let it emerge, such as therapeutic writing for example. This is the dimension of practice, of self-realization, of fulfillment.



A few more words about the format:

This small group will be the same for the 9 months but we will have the joy of meeting the participants of the other groups each month. After some time we will also be able to create other small interest groups to go further on particular topics. As the months go by, we will also be able to reduce the number of small group meetings in order to favour large group meetings or interest groups.  


I have a dream that we will all be able to meet in the middle or at the end of the training, for a large face-to-face meeting for a week somewhere on our beautiful planet! (For those who can, of course).



IRESOI Institute training program more detailed 


1-the philosophical dimension; Connection

-The Being of Light, the consciousness and the vehicle of incarnation

-Light essence and Incarnated light embodied in duality

-The value of oral group teaching, an initiatic model

-The power of Mirroring in a group dynamic

the power of intention and therapeutic writing


2-the psychological dimension; Learning

-The triple dimension of the human being and archetypes

-Personality structures with the SUI model (Unitary Sphere of Identity)

-The process of development of the being: baby, child, teenager, adult, old person

-The parental dynamics with the parental mosaic

-Male and female polarities and the male-female dynamic

-The main principles of psychosomatics


3-the therapeutic dimension; Healing

-The process of transmutation of states with the State Book

-The structure of being in relation to life dramas and diseases

-The process of individual and group therapeutic accompaniment

4-the dimension of our personal project; Realization

-Development of practices that enable personal connection

-Implementation of the process of emergence of the personal project

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